Monthly Archives: June 2024

Comprehensive Healthcare Leaders Take Key Roles in Kittitas County Health Network

At Comprehensive Healthcare, we are committed to providing integrated and whole-person care to our clients. Creating healthy and vibrant communities involves addressing all aspects of health, from mental health evaluations to housing to law enforcement. This requires active coordination with our clients and community partners to meet all of their health needs. We form community […]

A Time for Unity: Supporting Pride Month in the Face of Adversity

By: Jodi Daly, PhD, CEO and Jeff Scott, Board Chair Imagine waking up each day with a sense of unease, knowing that simply being yourself might subject you to prejudice, discrimination, or even violence. For many members of the LGBTQ+ community, this is a daily reality. Despite their only “offense” being the expression of love, […]

Celebrating Pride Month: Nurturing Mental Health in LGTBQ+ Communities

Pride Month is a vibrant celebration of identities and a crucial platform for advocating equality within the LGBTQ+ community. However, it’s imperative to recognize that amidst the festivities, there are pressing mental health issues that need attention and support. Understanding the Challenges The statistics paint a stark picture of the mental health disparities faced by […]