Honoring the Legacy of Dr. Michael J. Lawler: A Leader of Quiet Strength and Lasting Impact

Image by Adam Dahir via PNWU

It is with respect and deep sorrow that we remember and honor the life of Dr. Michael J. Lawler, PhD, President of Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences and a cherished member of our board at Comprehensive Healthcare. Dr. Lawler’s passing leaves a significant void in our community, but his legacy of humility, wisdom, and genuine care for others will continue to inspire us.

Jeff Scott, our Board Chair, recently shared heartfelt reflections on Dr. Lawler’s enduring influence and the unique qualities that made him a remarkable leader. “When I think of Michael, Dr. Lawler, the word that comes to mind is ‘humble,'” Jeff began. “He was soft-spoken but well-heard.”  

Dr. Lawler brought a wealth of wisdom, experience, and insights into everything he did. “He freely shared ideas that had worked in other industries, and he was able to see the big picture, making an impact in ways that truly mattered,” Jeff remarked. He admired how Dr. Lawler’s contributions were thoughtful and deeply appreciated, even when delivered in his characteristically understated manner.

One of the most telling aspects of Dr. Michael J. Lawler’s character was his unwavering dedication to the board, even after being diagnosed with cancer. “He let Jodi and me know about his illness and asked to remain on the board because he wanted to continue contributing. That speaks volumes about his passion for what we do,” Jeff Scott recalled. Despite having every right to step back and focus on his health, Dr. Lawler chose to remain active, serving both PNWU and Comprehensive Healthcare until the end. “To me, that just speaks volumes about a man’s character.”

This dedication wasn’t just limited to his presence on the board; it extended deeply into the operational fabric of our organization. Dr. Lawler’s impact on Comprehensive Healthcare was profound, driving key initiatives that continue to shape our services today. One of the most significant collaborations was the partnership between Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences (PNWU) and Comprehensive Healthcare, where Dr. Lawler ensured that PNWU students received critical psychiatric training within our organization. This collaboration has had a lasting impact on medical students’ understanding of psychiatric and substance use disorder (SUD) care, reinforcing the importance of whole-person health in their education.

Dr. Lawler’s commitment to our mission didn’t stop there. He also facilitated the involvement of PNWU physicians in the development of our walk-in clinic, providing invaluable feedback that helped shape its services. The guidance and support from these medical professionals, championed by Dr. Lawler, have been essential to the clinic’s success, ensuring we meet the community’s needs with the highest standards of care.

His influence was equally powerful in the community at large. Dr. Lawler played a pivotal role in bringing PNWU to the table during critical community forums, such as those addressing the fentanyl crisis. His leadership in these forums was extraordinary, uniting various stakeholders and inspiring collective action. The impact of these collaborations is felt not only within our organization but also throughout the broader community, pushing us to strive for excellence in everything we do.

What truly set Dr. Lawler apart was his remarkable ability to listen and lead with intention. “He was phenomenal at listening,” Jeff noted. In board meetings, Dr. Lawler would quietly absorb the discussion, allowing others to share their thoughts before offering his own insights. “A lot of times, his comments helped bring everything together. He was humble, confident, and engaging—a leader you naturally wanted to follow.”

Dr. Lawler was known for his collaborative spirit, always seeking input from others and never campaigning for his own ideas. “He was collaborative in the truest sense—focused on the objectives, whether it was an opportunity or a challenge,” Jeff recounted.

“He led by example, never calling attention to himself, but always guiding others in a humble, engaging, and thoughtful manner. My biggest takeaway from knowing him is the inspiration he provided to lead in the same fashion.”

As we reflect on Dr. Michael J. Lawler’s life and contributions, the power of leading with humility and compassion becomes profoundly clear. His legacy will continue to guide and inspire us as we strive to uphold the values he so beautifully embodied. Dr. Lawler was more than just a leader; he was a mentor, a friend, and someone who made us all better for having known him. Jeff Scott captures this sentiment perfectly: “He will continue to inspire us for years to come.”