What are CCBHCs?

You may have heard the national conversation about Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs), which is a nationally proven model for sustainably funding mental health and substance use treatment. CCBHCs serve anyone who walks through the door, regardless of their diagnosis and insurance status.

Based on demonstrated success in multiple states, the CCBHC model would enable providers in Washington state to focus on whole-person care, allowing us to better navigate the current workforce crisis and ensure folks can access behavioral health care when and where they need it. In the process, the model also helps to reduce reliance on other community resources, such as hospitals, jails, and schools, in responding to behavioral health needs.

On a national level, in July President Joe Biden gathered with legislators and behavioral health advocates to highlight the need for more changes to expand access to comprehensive mental health and substance use care services through new proposed rules to improve compliance with the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act. You can learn more in this article from our advocacy coalition, Fourfront Contributor, “National Conversations Surrounding Mental Health.”

Right here at Comprehensive Healthcare, we’re doing our part to advocate for and implement the CCBHC model because it helps us provide optimal care for our clients. We’ve received significant grant funding to help us make this happen in Walla Walla. Jodi Daly, CEO of Comprehensive Healthcare, recently wrote an op-ed that was published in the Walla Walla Union Bulletin sharing more about the ways that we are improving services for our clients through federal funding for CCBHC planning and implementation.

How do CCBHCs Work?

As an integrated and sustainably financed model of care, CCBHCs:
Ensure access to behavioral health care, regardless of insurance
Meet stringent criteria regarding timely access, quality reporting, staffing and coordination with social services, criminal justice and education systems.
Receive flexible funding to support the real costs of expanding services to fully meet the need for care in their communities